Miss Elsa Svenson

Spanking & Caning in London with Miss Elsa Svenson


Story Competition 2013 third entry by Thomas — Hard Lesson

Hard Lessons by Thomas
The boy approached the door with some trep­i­da­tion. Pre­vi­ous vis­its here had always been embar­rass­ing and, more often than not, rather painful. No option but to knock.
‘Come in’.
Miss Sven­son was sit­ting at her desk as he entered the room.
‘You sent for me Headmistress?’
‘Yes Thomas. Close the door please and take a seat. I pre­sume you know what this is all about?’
‘I think so Miss.’
‘It seems that you were dis­cov­ered yes­ter­day after­noon in a com­pro­mis­ing sit­u­a­tion behind the sci­ence block with a young lady. In fact you were in an embrace, kiss­ing her with your hands down the back of her skirt.’
The boy blushed and turned his eyes downwards.
‘Do you have any­thing to say for yourself?’
‘Well Miss, I thought she was very pret­ty ever since she arrived at the school and had a bit of a crush on her but didn’t think she had even noticed me. Yes­ter­day I was get­ting ready to go home and, on my way out, I ran into her in the cor­ri­dor. I was real­ly sur­prised when she smiled at me and called out “James. Have you got a minute? I would like to show you some­thing.” She even knew my name and of course I wasn’t going to turn her down. So I agreed to fol­low her. She was wear­ing a very short skirt and high heels and I just couldn’t take my eyes off her, the way she walked.’
‘Yes Thomas. Just get on with it,’ said Miss Sven­son rather irritably.
‘When we had passed the sci­ence block she stopped and turned around beck­on­ing me to come clos­er. As I caught up with her she flung her arms round my neck and began kiss­ing me – you know tongue inside my mouth and every­thing. I just lost con­trol of myself and grabbed her. And then the Geog­ra­phy teacher came round the corner.’
‘So it was the girl who insti­gat­ed the incident?’
‘Yes Miss.’
The Head­mistress pressed the inter­com buzzer on her desk.
‘Miss Evans. Would you step into my office for a minute please?’
Moments lat­er there was a knock at the door and a young woman entered.
‘Ah Miss Evans. I have just heard some dis­turb­ing news and would like your clar­i­fi­ca­tion. Thomas here tells me that you were respon­si­ble for the unfor­tu­nate inci­dent yes­ter­day after­noon. I would like to know if that is in fact the case.’
‘Yes Miss Sven­son. I admit that I led James on, per­haps a bit too much in the circumstances.’
‘Very well.’
The Head­mistress turned again to the boy, smil­ing a lit­tle wistfully.
‘Thomas. I under­stand that at your age, what is it, fif­teen com­ing on six­teen, your hor­mones are begin­ning to run riot. I also see that Miss Evans is a very attrac­tive girl. So in one sense I can­not blame you for react­ing in the way you did. How­ev­er, there are impor­tant things you have to learn. First of all, what­ev­er your feel­ings, I can­not have these dis­plays on school grounds. Sec­ond­ly you will in lat­er life have to learn self con­trol. There are many times as an adult when your emo­tions draw you to behave in a cer­tain way but cir­cum­stances demand that you act oth­er­wise. So I am afraid I will have to pun­ish you severe­ly in order that you under­stand school rules and self dis­ci­pline. Is that clear?’
The boy looked at her sheepishly.
‘Yes Miss, very clear Miss.’
‘Well you have been here before haven’t you?’
The boy nod­ded his head gloomily.
‘Pre­pare your­self then and we will get started.’
Thomas got up from his chair and moved towards the Head­mistress’ desk. He unbuck­led his belt and let his trousers drop around his ankles, then low­ered his under­pants, hitched up his shirt tail and leant for­ward over the desk, reach­ing for the far edge which he gripped tight­ly. Mean­while Miss Sven­son went to her cup­board and select­ed a thick but flex­i­ble cane which she flour­ished exper­i­men­tal­ly in the air.
Miss Evans looked alarmed.
‘I real­ly think I should leave now Miss Svenson.’
‘Not at all. I require you to wit­ness this pun­ish­ment. Please sit down in Thomas’ place.’
Meek­ly the young woman did as she was told.
‘This, Miss Evans, is known as a senior cane with which I am going to beat your young friend’, the Head­mistress con­tin­ued. ‘It caus­es sear­ing pain upon imme­di­ate impact but the recip­i­ent also suf­fers longer term dam­age as you will soon see. Are you ready Thomas?’
‘Yes Miss. How many strokes please Miss?’
‘That is for me to decide and for you to know when your pun­ish­ment is over. And remem­ber, you are not to move from that posi­tion until I say so.’
‘Very well Miss.’
Anoth­er tri­al swish of the cane after which she swung her arm back high over her head and then lashed down with the first blow. Almost imme­di­ate­ly an angry red weal devel­oped where the cane had land­ed. After a short pause came the sec­ond stroke, this time a lit­tle high­er to sim­i­lar effect. A fur­ther four blows land­ed before the Head­mistress changed posi­tion and then con­tin­ued with anoth­er six from the oth­er side.
‘Stand up and put your hands on your head.’
Miss Evans watched in hor­ri­fied fas­ci­na­tion. Despite the sever­i­ty of the blows, the boy had bare­ly flinched. She observed the pat­tern of par­al­lel red slash­es across his bot­tom and was sur­prised to expe­ri­ence a cer­tain feel­ing of aes­thet­ic satisfaction.
Miss Sven­son then spoke.
‘Do you under­stand why you are being punished?’
‘I think so Miss.’
‘In case you are in any doubt, you have been caned for inap­pro­pri­ate behav­iour in school grounds and I will enter this jus­ti­fi­ca­tion for a dozen strokes in the pun­ish­ment book. Do you have any­thing to say?’
‘Thank you for can­ing me on my bare bot­tom for inap­pro­pri­ate behav­iour in school grounds Miss.’
‘I am glad to hear that you under­stand the cor­rect pro­ce­dure Thomas. Oth­er­wise we would of course have to begin again.’
‘Yes Miss’.
‘Back down now.’
‘Please Miss, but I have already been punished.….’
‘Back down boy!’
‘Yes Miss.’ And he stretched him­self back over the desk.
There fol­lowed a repeat of the first twelve which, if any­thing, Miss Evans judged to be even hard­er than the first. Again six were deliv­ered from the right and six from the left and at the end the livid red stripes were already begin­ning to merge into a large pur­ple area of bruised flesh.
‘Stand up and hands on head.’
Thomas did as he was told.
‘Do you under­stand why I con­tin­ued your punishment?’
‘Not real­ly Miss, sor­ry Miss,’ the boy stammered.
‘The sec­ond dozen were to remind you not to lose your self control.’
‘Thank you for can­ing me on my bare bot­tom for los­ing my self con­trol Miss.’
‘Very well Thomas, you may get dressed.’
The boy very gin­ger­ly eased his under­pants back on, pulled up his trousers and did up his belt.
‘Will that be all then Miss?’
‘Yes Thomas. That is all for now. I hope you will remem­ber these two lessons and that there­fore I will not see you back here in the near future. You may go now’
‘Yes Miss and thank you Miss.’
The two of them shook hands for­mal­ly and the boy shuf­fled out rather stiffly. After he had closed the door Miss Sven­son replaced the cane in the cup­board and returned to her desk.
‘You see Miss Evans the dis­com­fort that boy has suf­fered. The deep bruis­ing will last for up to a week and he will find sit­ting down very uncom­fort­able. He will not for­get this in a hur­ry and unfor­tu­nate­ly may well asso­ciate you with his pain. I hope now that you realise what you have done.’
‘I cer­tain­ly meant no harm Miss Sven­son, but I do under­stand what you are say­ing and am very sorry.’
‘Would you please stand up Miss Evans.’
The girl did as she was asked and stood awk­ward­ly beside the high backed chair in front of the Head­mistress’ desk. Miss Sven­son looked her up and down.
‘That mini-dress you are wear­ing is quite unsuit­able for a school envi­ron­ment, par­tic­u­lar­ly where there are teenage boys’ she observed.
‘I under­stand Head­mistress. I will be more cir­cum­spect in future but may I go now?’
‘You cer­tain­ly may not my girl. We still have to dis­cuss your part in this affair. Now, cor­rect me if I am wrong. When you applied for this job, you under­stood that it was a tem­po­rary posi­tion for six months while my reg­u­lar sec­re­tary was on mater­ni­ty leave?’
‘Yes, that is correct.’
‘Well, tem­po­rary or not, I am afraid your behav­iour clear­ly con­sti­tutes gross mis­con­duct which nor­mal­ly would result in auto­mat­ic and imme­di­ate dismissal.
‘But Miss Sven­son, please.…..
The Head­mistress held up her hand to sti­fle the protest.
‘Hear me out girl. I am not an unrea­son­able woman. All our par­ents and most of the pupils realise that I run a strict regime at the school, but that I aim to be scrupu­lous­ly fair. That means that what­ev­er pun­ish­ment I mete out is intend­ed to fit the mis­de­meanour. So to con­tin­ue with your case. You told me at your inter­view that you need­ed to work for these six months to save some mon­ey and that then you intend­ed to go to Col­lege to study with a view to qual­i­fy­ing as a teacher yourself.’
‘Yes Headmistress.’
‘Whether or not I think you would even­tu­al­ly make a good teacher is not impor­tant, but I cer­tain­ly approve your ambi­tion. I there­fore am pre­pared to offer you an alter­na­tive to being sacked. If you are pre­pared to receive a good spank­ing from me, I will over­look the mat­ter. What do you say?’
The girl looked some­what appre­hen­sive and bit her low­er lip.
‘Is that the only oth­er way Headmistress?’
‘I am afraid so and I need your answer now.’
‘Very well.’
Miss Sven­son rose from behind her desk and seat­ed her­self on the chair beside the girl. She pat­ted her lap.
‘Over here please Miss Evans,’ she com­mand­ed in a stern voice.
Oblig­ing­ly the girl bent over the Head­mistress’ knees, her mini-dress rid­ing up to reveal round­ed cheeks pro­tect­ed only by a pair of flim­sy briefs.
Miss Sven­son set to work straight away with the open palm of her hand. The girl had been smacked by her moth­er when she was lit­tle if she had been naughty but it was always over in sec­onds and fol­lowed by hug and a kiss. This was very different.
Relent­less­ly the hand came down spread­ing the blows around the exposed flesh which rapid­ly turned pink and then grad­u­al­ly crim­son. And the sting­ing sen­sa­tion was so much more intense than she had expect­ed. She tried to wrig­gle and squirm but Miss Svenson’s free hand in the small of her back held her firm­ly in posi­tion. She gave up the strug­gle and began to sob quietly.
She lost count of how many blows she had felt but it must have been more than fifty when sud­den­ly the onslaught ceased.
‘You may get up now,’ came that voice again.
She strug­gled to her feet and rubbed her­self vig­or­ous­ly in an attempt to ease the pain.
Miss Sven­son got to her feet.
‘So do you under­stand why you have been spanked?’
‘Yes Head­mistress. For inap­pro­pri­ate behav­iour on school grounds.’
Miss Sven­son allowed her­self a small smile.
‘Oh no, Miss Evans. You have been pun­ished so far for wear­ing unsuit­able cloth­ing to school. We will now deal with your behaviour.’
The sec­re­tary was aghast and for a moment unable to speak.

For that I think we should have you expe­ri­ence a lit­tle of what you caused your lit­tle friend to suf­fer a few min­utes ago.’
She now had to blurt out ‘not that hor­ri­ble cane, please Miss!’
‘No Miss Evans. I very rarely use the senior cane on the girls. And I promised you a good spank­ing you will remem­ber. Can­ing is some­thing dif­fer­ent. Spank­ing can either be by hand or with some oth­er flat and usu­al­ly flex­i­ble imple­ment like a slip­per for instance.’
Miss Sven­son walked back to her cup­board and select­ed a heavy leather strap which she test­ed with a gen­tle tap on the palm of her own hand.
‘I think this will do very nice­ly. Now Miss Evans, would you kind­ly assume the posi­tion which you have recent­ly had demon­strat­ed. And please low­er those panties and ensure the back of your skirt is lift­ed. I want to be quite sure of my aim.’
The sec­re­tary knew she had to com­ply and, with a hor­ri­fied look on her face, sprawled across the desk as she had been told. She also took the pre­cau­tion of grasp­ing the far edge.
Miss Sven­son moved towards her menacingly.
‘Are you ready for your punishment?’
‘Not real­ly Miss.…I mean please don’t hurt me any more. I am real­ly sor­ry for what I did.’
‘Not as sor­ry as you will be when we have fin­ished. Now pre­pare yourself.’
The first slap caused the girl to jerk upright and reach behind her with both hands in a vain attempt to pro­tect herself.
‘As I omit­ted to warn you to stay still, I will not begin again. Get back down and count out the strokes.’
The girl slumped for­ward and resigned­ly breathed out the word ‘One’.
There fol­lowed a fur­ther five from the right before The Head­mistress changed sides. After each the girl count­ed as instruct­ed, her voice becom­ing ever weak­er. ‘Sev­en, eight, nine ow! Ten, eleven, ahhhh.….……twelve. Where before she had felt an intense sting­ing, now she was very sore and felt that her skin was on fire.
‘That com­pletes your pun­ish­ment Miss Evans. You may stand up and get dressed.
The girl straight­ened up, rubbed her­self gen­tly, retrieved her under­wear and very gin­ger­ly smoothed down the back of her dress.
‘In the same way as young Thomas will not for­get his can­ing today I think you will remem­ber this expe­ri­ence for some time Miss Evans. I hope you have learned your les­son. The pun­ish­ment should always fit the crime.’
And indeed Miss Evans did remem­ber. Many years lat­er as a Head­teacher in a school of her own she recog­nised the impor­tance of strict dis­ci­pline and applied it very much in the way she had learned in Miss Svenson’s study that day. 

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